Part 1 Superstition
Part 2 Names for Blades


The dirt and the leaves on the trail showed no signs of disturbance. It smelled of balmy firs and two-day-old game trails. The patches of grass and plants stood straight. The path we took was virginal. No wind, no movements, no sounds, besides Frank’s and mine. I almost expected the cicadas to sing, but the forest remained silent. The day lost its fierce heat and power. Even the fir trees froze in the semitransparent shadow of ominous size, stretching above the canopy. It was something heavy and dangerous. Blue, violet, and brown saturated in the shadows but I was the only one to recognize. Light withered faster than I had anticipated. Continue reading “DEVIL’S PEAK (3)”

Fox, Wolf and Dragon (5)

Fox, Wolf and Dragon (5)

Part 1    HQ       Part 2    Biwako-Ohashi-Bridge       Part 3    Rustling in the Dark

Part 4    Moonlight Market

Part 5    Giant Magic Spider

The pub was dark and silent, except for the lit candle sitting between two whiskey glasses shimmering with golden liquid and ice cubes. The counter was dividing the darkness and the mirrored shelves packed with gleaming liquor bottles, jars with herbs and other potions. “Aunty made us welcome drinks?” Lou whispered. I shook my head.

I breathed in the rich scented atmosphere. I recognized honey, beeswax, cold tobacco, leather, lemony and herbal notes, and polished wood. Home! I closed my eyes. This all meant home to me. Home. I opened my eyes. I wasn’t alone. Lou was here with me.”Remember! Nothing is for free. Ever! That’s a test.”

“But. You’re family! Aren’t yo-” I harrumphed, and Lou shut up.

Continue reading “Fox, Wolf and Dragon (5)”

Black Door

Black Door

1 & 2; 3 ; 4; 6; 7


“I’ll tell you. For the sake of-” Farnsw-Peter stared me down, eyes like liquid fire, fierce and angry. “You won’t stop, will you?” His gaze locked on mine. I shook my head not able to utter a word. My mouth was dry. Funny. Never thought he had it in him. What a surprise!

“I won’t leave anything out. That’s what you’re afraid of. I don’t want fame or fortune. I don’t care about my mark in history. Not like this.” He expected something from me, but when he saw, I didn’t know what, he shook his head. He was disappointed with me?

“I’m sorry. I truly am, Peter.” I tried softly. Where was he heading? What did he want, if not being a part of such a significant, table-turning discovery? Was money on his mind?

Continue reading “Black Door”

Black Door

Black Door

1 & 2;  3; 5; 6; 7;


Farnsworth had spent over an hour pacing up and down the hallway before giving up and facing me. I could smell his fear, or discomfort over the stench of the hospital sanitizer. He stood there as if he went to his own funeral. “Morning. Please, take a seat,” I spoke gently and gestured to the long table. Pale and troubled he studied his feet. Finally, he and his resignation came in.

I kept myself in the furthest corner. Funny, how I found myself searching for the darkness. I stood in the shadows, like any good villain. Ha! Adam Lake, Professor, and villain. Sounded like something from a cheap action movie, from the 90ties. Also, I haven’t slept much for the last two days. I needed to match my looks with Farnsworth’s. That came handy later, I hoped. Just to make a point. Continue reading “Black Door”

Devil’s Peak

Devil’s Peak

a Chuck Wendig prompt – Strange Photos /  Lily by Rudi Zygadlo / this is a WIP – a zero draft to get the characters, the plot and the end gets rewritten and posted again


Five minutes ago I hoped to drop the kennel cleaning into the rookie’s lap, but we got the call.

Dispatch told us to get the dogs and meet up, with the search party at Devil’s Peak. “Shit.” I instantly knew this was going to be a bad night. My palms itched, my neck tingled and burned. The rookie was going to have his baptism by fire. “Another kid?” I asked but didn’t need to. The calendar answered before dispatch could confirm. Full moon. “Damn.” The rookie got my gaze and stood up. “On our way.” I hung up. Continue reading “Devil’s Peak”

lose the kink or lose the limb

lose the kink or lose the limb

„Today’s the day! The day you’ve been waiting for: ‚LOSE THE KINK OR LOSE THE LIMB‘!“ A pleasant male voice booms through a bright space.  Applause and deafening cheers wake Una from her slumber.

Her mouth feels fuzzy.

She doesn’t remember going to bed. Instead, she remembers doing seventy on the interstate ninety-five, just past Trenton. She is on her way to the most important test screening in her carrier. Evening news, here she comes! That job has her name written all over it. Una Hawthorn, the new face on ABWD.

Continue reading “lose the kink or lose the limb”



“Rise and shine, honey.” Urs says, eye locked on the road. One hand on the wheel, the other gently patting the leather jacket Red uses as blanket. He yawns and lets in some fresh air. She stretches in the passenger seat, and throws a brief look behind them. On the back seat, Cornelius is sprawled out, softly breathing in the rhythm of a sleepwalking horse.

They are nearly over the mountains by now, the rain has stopped. The engine hums, as if was a part of the nature on the other side of the windshield. Bright yellow glows at the edge of the grey clouds. The sun is breaking through. Continue reading “Roadtrip”



The screen flickered to life. A simulation of the landscape hidden under the thick blue methane and helium clouds unraveled itself. My custom navigation grid stretched over it, and listed all promising magnetic anomalies in the partially viscous crust. Areas of seismic instability stretched further into the polar regions. That was what the analysis program showed me in the lower right corner. I threw out my right index and thumb and the writing faded away. I did not plan to stick around to witness any crust activity.

Through the bull’s eye the surface seemed so peaceful and lush blue. It reminded me of Earth. The upper atmosphere showed a relievo ribbon of white clouds further to north to our orbiting position.

What bothered me most were the atmospheric pockets and the wind velocity, unpredictable and vicious. Even the CPU had problems showing me depressurization timely. Scooter was approaching faster than the simulations showed. Something was off. I had less time than calculated. That peacefully looking blue under me was deadly. It was ready to tear me and my glider to shreds. If anything went wrong, I could only hope for a fast death. Continue reading “SCOOTER”

blush tally

blush tally

This is one of my worst ideas.

But I’m gonna do it anyway! I can’t just stand there and do  nothing.

Those men are pros… No mercy. At all. I’ve seen this before. They’ll injure that poor guy badly. What do you think will I get as a reward? A nice beat up. “Know what you’re in for”, that’s what my old man always used to say. Thank God he taught me some lessons, and a bunch of  tricks.

I’ve called for cavalry. Cooper’s on his way. He’s a black belt jiu-jitsu, and can avenge me, if needed… I hope not.

Well, whatever happens, happens!


“Dude! Why’d ya do thad foo?! I mean – I mean- thanx!” He muffles, holding his bleeding – most likely broken – nose. “Ah, mah tuuth”, he pickes up a white pebble. It actually is his tooth! He flashes a grin, but stops instantly. Chapped lips. Upper incisor’s missing. At least, he’s okay. What a guy…built like a silverback. But on the inside, he’s soft ‘n fluffy like the tail of a baby bunny rabbit.

“Broke?” His bloody index points at my arm. I think so – pulsing hurt. It did make a sick noise, when the bat crashed down on it. I nod. Cooper steps behind me and harrumphs lightly. Such a polite ass!

„Fucked up, huh?” His smooth voice hums. He’s not even pumped out! Why can he be so … perfectly …annoying! I’d roll my eyes, but one is swollen, and the effect’s lost. Nod instead. He makes a sympathetic face. So I DO look fucked up. Toothless-guy is pulling his belt.

“Wha!” What the hell? “Stop!” Even if he’s grateful… I’d have to decline. He’s not- um, my type?

“He’s right! We need to put your arm in splints. And get you both to a hospital” Cooper states. Gosh! He is also working on his belt. Well, in fact, that’s more like it! Yeah! Normally, that would turn me on, but… This isn’t the right place, or time for that. Since – Cooper doesn’t even know. Now don’t get the wrong idea…

What the hell! Think what you want!


“Be a good boy, take your painkillers. You’re a real jerk, ‘specially in the morning.” Cooper snorts.

“Don’t tell me what to do! And yeah. I AM crabby! You’d be too, if you’d have to share a room with a guy, who is snoring so loud, that he could bring a cathedral to collapse.” Plus I’ve been plastered and put in bandages. Not able to move properly. The whole night, I tried  to turn around, pondering if I should suffocate that snoring idiot, or not. This means toothless-guy: 1; sleep: zero.

Maybe I should’ve stayed the night at the hospital. Cooper insisted on babysitting me, or both of us. He’s the motherly type – not only caring, but a doctor too. Convenient, huh? Toothless-guy had nowhere to go and no money left… Yeah, I decided to stumble upon and mix myself into a fucking robbery. You can call me numb skull. So I take them in, isn’t that kind of me? I don’t remember it though, must’ve been those fantastic painkillers making me a damn instant saint.

“Okay, okay. Sorry!” I’m a jerk. Cooper makes me breakfast. I’m not a morning-person. Never will be. More importantly – there is freshly brewed coffee! “Oh my fairy godmother, pass me a mug of that magic black morning bliss. ”

Zib – toothless-guy – is still snoring. I swear, I’ll suffocate him!

“Did you get some sleep?” He wants to know. “No”

“Did your arm hurt?” “No”

“Want an orange?” “No”

“You need help with dressing? Or breakfast? “NO!”

“Will you answer me only with monosyllables?” “…No”

He’s smiling. “Yes, you do.” I’m a nice guy, take my pills, and let Cooper enjoy his instant saint.


I want pancakes, with chocolate sirup and blueberries. “How you like yours?” His voice hums again.

“Chocolate, berries.” My fairy godmother works in my kitchen, like it’s his all along.

“Both? That’s decadent…” Cooper turns around and smiles stupidly. As if he knows… Don’t blush, don’t blush, don’t blush! Dammit! I stare at the rug. There isn’t one anymore. I’ve spilled orange juice, Chinese food and coffee in the evening, must’ve been too groggy. Cooper rolls them up, concerned ’bout rug safety. My plastered arm isn’t of any help, I constantly bump into things. I even smash my own face with it. That’s what happens when you’re not used to the weight and inertia of a plastered arm. Zib and Cooper laugh alternately at my clumsiness. I’m a one big-unintentional-slapstick-entertainer… The arm itches like hell. And I blush at the simplest things, always have – but now I’ve got audience!  Lucky me…

A hand on my shoulder. “Ghaaa- I’m going to have a heart attack. Shish!”

“You’re a pussy!” Zib’s throaty voice whispers right into my ear. Oh, those bastards! Can’t believe they do this. They made it a contest… I bet they even have a tally. A blush-tally. On the way home, they’ve been making fun of my blushing on the way home. Cooper drove, next to him Zib made dirty jokes, and I was enjoying myself in the back. Laughing and whimpering at the same time.  …There will be payback!

“Toothless, you still look like a pretty violet! ’Specially in your face. Sit down. Shut up ’n dig in.”

“Ya don’ have to tell me twice, black eye.” Zib is going to keep Cooper working that frying pan. I bet he eats like a horse, he surely snores like one.


“Bed’s yours. ’N ya jumped in, to save ma sorry ass… So, you’ve got the hero-points, dude!” He’s built like one shit brick house, but he’s got the commotion, the broken nose and the cracked jaw. For a damsel in distress, he took a lot of beating. I’ve got only a broken right arm and some bruises. Luckily I’m a lefty, so it doesn’t bother me that much. It’s just a royal pain in the ass. So I’ll better settle down on the couch and leave the bed to my guest. Zib’s treating me like a child, bringing me milk, tucking me in. … Wait! Milk?!

“Is that milk? Where did you find it?” I don’t have any, don’t buy any. Allergies.

“Milked the cow in the kitchen.” Zib’s grinning. “Best for bones.”

“No! No thanks. I won’t drink that. Milk is evil, it wants to kill me.” I refuse.

“Oh c’mon, ya big baby!” He sighs and I just shake my head, like a spoiled kid with lips pressed together – I may not look serious, but I am.

“Go easy on him, he’s allergic.” Cooper steps right behind me, put his right heavy palm on my neck. “We’d have to give him CPR, if you force him. And I don’t want to see any shade of that asphyxia-blue… Or would I?” Gasp! Hot face! I think my jaw just dropped. Damn you! Those last words he directs right into my face, that sucker! And he means it not in a let-me-save-your-life-cause-I’m-a-doctor-way, he means it more like in a let-me-wrap-you-up-in-leather-and-gag-you-for-a-bit-fun-way.

Idiots. “IDIOTS!” Both start laughing

“Ya won, jackass! Can’t breathe – that red! Ahahahaha! Imma gonna peeeehheee!” Zib’s laughing so hard, he barely can breathe.

“Choke! Both of you idiots! Choke on your stupid jokes!”

Cooper is already sitting on the floor waving both his hands in the air. I grab the next best thing, which’s my cover Zib tucked me in and throw it at him. It lands on his chest. “Bite me, oh barkin dog!” Zib’s self-control is caving in. I send some pillows flying. Right into his face.
